Karmelitánské nakladatelství
(Carmelite Publishing House)
Karmelitánské nakladatelství (KNA) was founded in 1991 by a male order of Carmelites based in the monastery in Kostelní Vydří. The scope of KNA has expanded over time and since the end of the 90s of the last century it has been the domestic leader in the market for Christian and Catholic book production. In 2016, the company headquarters moved to Prague. As of March 1, 2019, the Czech Bishops' Conference became the sole owner of KNA. Karmelitánské nakladatelství, s.r.o. company on April 30, 2022, it was dissolved by merging into the company Katolický týdeník, s.r.o., which subsequently changed its name to KatMedia, s.r.o.
Book production continues to be published under the brand Karmelitánské nakladatelství and the retail stores are operated under the name Karmelitánská knihkupectví. The books from the KNA workshop are unique not only in quality, but also in the breadth of thematic focus. It publishes books for men and women, families with children, for clergy and pastoral workers or students of theology. The offer includes books for participants in spiritual exercises, for religious teachers, catechists, but also for mothers who want to relax with a good book. Everyone can choose from the selection of KNA books.
In addition to our own book production with a Christian (Catholic) focus, we also offer the production of other publishing houses. In addition to books, we also offer monastery products, mass wines, liturgical items, devotionals, digital media subscription and other goods. We operate 11 stores throughout the Czech Republic. You can also find KNA publications at a number of good booksellers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. All KNA production and other goods can also be purchased on our E-shop, through which you can also buy in Slovakia.
Kardinál Tomášek - legenda církve v době komunistického režimu
Hrdinou se člověk nerodí, ale stává
Jaroslav Šebek